Enjoy Your Jeans with Petersays Denim

Yups, berawal bolak balik dari blog ke blog lain. I found this site, rasa bangga juga ada dalam benakku karena jarang sekali ada sebuah perusahaan yang peduli akan nasib generasi muda dalam negeri. Kenapa saya katakan peduli ? Ya karena jarang ada suatu clothingan buatan dalam negeri yang ber taste british. Dimana keadaan dari kantong generasi kita yang pas-pasan tapi ingin tetap bergaya.
Sekarang kita tahu banyak sekali anak-anak muda disini yang memakai brand – brand luar, setelah memakainya rasa bangga dan besar kepala pun muncul. Hahaha ..

Produk yang dikeluarkan bung peter dan kawan-kawan tak kalah bagusnya dengan brand-brand luar,selain harganya yang sangat terjangkau bagi kita-kita yang masih memerlukan uang saku waktu kuliah, kualitasnya pun berani diadu.
Perjuangan dari bung peter dan teman-teman memang patut diacungi jempol, karena membawa brand mereka sampai ke negeri seberang dengan mensponsori beberapa band seperti SKY EATS AIRPLANE, AUGUST BURNS RED, KINGDOMS dan beberapa artis serta band anak negeri, ROCKET ROCKERS, JOLLY JUMPER, THIRTEEN, SAINT LOCO, VINCENT 80'S, ELLO. Kerja keras yang sungguh menghasilkan. Saya ingin menjadi seperti anda bung !! Salute !!

“”Started in the end of 2005, peter with his friends make a band called petersaysorry, with a concept music, mixed with fashion. After that, he started his career with make some jeans that designed by himself and he use it for himself. There’s a lot of people who asking and interested to make a jeans from peter, include a local clothing company and from the other country and he started to subsisted on making the jeans for other people brand.
At one time, came out an idealist thought from peter, so he make his own brand called REVENGE DENIM KILLER, but it’s not appropriate with what he want it.
It’s been along time after petersaysorry vacuum, but they have 8 demo song, then came out an idea “again” from peter to make a brand with his band name, PETERSAYSORRY and became PETERSAYSDENIM. He named the code for his pants with his songs like, Just Friends, Hopeless, Best Ever Had, Never Give Up, and more.
With the V logo on the back of the sack, he started the new business by supporting local indie bands. Peter thinks that music never getting loose from fashion, either fashion…they’re connected””

For more details, bro and sis can check to petersaysdenim.com.


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